Wednesday, November 7, 2012

GALaxy Nails

I've been a little unhappy for the past few day's. So I haven't 
been dressing up lately, I'm full time gal so that's pretty unusual
for I haven't had anything OOTD or anything so I
apologize  but anyways I guess I feel a little better
and I decided to do my nail's again! YAY~ 
I tried  to do galaxy nails. I guess they turned out iight.
The colors I used were dark blue, light blue, purple,black, hot pink,
blue shimmer, pink shimmer and of course clear coat.
Here are my reals nails before I cut them. They were all uneven.
After I applied the acrylic and filed them.  Not half bad for
my 2nd time doing my own nails.
 This is what they look like painted. First I painted my nails
black, then using a sponge blotted on each color. 
Then I added rhinestones bcuz what is a galaxy without stars.
I didn't clean up the edges before taking this picture so they
look a little jank but w/e LOL. Thanks for reading 


  1. those look fab! I love galaxy print so much ugh!

  2. Btw, you know on the side bar you can add width="200px" to make all of the bigger graphics fit inside of that box of yours, right?

    1. Thanks gurl <3.
      Yeah I know but I don't want my blog to be super wide
      I'll fix it eventually lol

  3. The design is so cuute~ I love the colors you used :3

  4. >< I know I will to get a bunch of fancy shizz

    and thank you :3
