Saturday, February 25, 2012

Clip-in Extensions

Hey Gal's! I wanted to share how I made clip-in extentions
It's nothing major and they pretty easy to make ()´д`()
I bought 50 clips from eBay for about $5.35
I could of gotten them cheaper from China but  I didn't feel like waiting lol.
Next I got some blonde hair extensions to dye

I originally wanted to dye them orange and pink
but I accidently picked up the wrong color and couldn't
return it so..I just went on......o(▼皿▼メ;)o

This is how they turned out
Racy Wine x Sunshine Yellow

They turned out decent enough!
(excuse my make up it's pretty jank)

Monday, February 6, 2012

B-ギャル Make Tutorial


Hey Gals it's been a while right?  Yeah but I'm finally updating yays!
Hahha I finally made a fricken tutorial! (●゚д゚●) どんだけ!?

I hope you enjoy! Please comment n stuff
Give me some feedback! Tell me what you think!?
Give me some suggestions on what you'd like
to see next!
